
Statnikov A, Aliferis CF, Hardin DP, Guyon I. A Gentle Introduction to Support Vector Machines in Biomedicine, Volume 2: Case Studies & BenchmarksWorld Scientific Publishing, Singapore: 2013.   


Statnikov A, Aliferis CF, Hardin DP, Guyon I. A Gentle Introduction to Support Vector Machines in Biomedicine, Volume 1: Theory and MethodsWorld Scientific Publishing, Singapore: 2011.    Book Website


Guyon I, Dror G, Statnikov A, Vincent L (editors). Challenges in Machine Learning, Volume 6: Active Learning and Experimental Design.Microtome Publishing, Brookline, Massachusetts, 2012.   


Guyon I, Aliferis CF, Cooper GF, Elisseeff A, Pellet JP, Spirtes P,Statnikov A (editors). Challenges in Machine Learning. Volume 2: Causation and Prediction Challenge. Microtome Publishing, Brookline, Massachusetts, 2010.